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Urgent need for finance paradigm shift in climate action. Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) aid global south countries’ shift to clean energy while addressing social justice. Focus on country-driven finance, global cooperation, and key activities to strengthen JETPs, involving ministries of finance and international fora.
The DDP Days was an event organized for learning exchanges, presentations of country work, and discussions about the future of the DDP. There were over 80 participants from our partners.
Johannes Svensson, DDP Research fellow, presented a research poster entitled, “International Finance: a key global enabler for ambitious pathways in major emerging economies” last June 2023 at the Bonn climate conference.
The latest shipping report focuses on global supply chains as an important element in decarbonizing the shipping sector. This is co-written by the DDP’s Yann Briand.
The Deep Decarbonization Pathways Initiative employs a bottom-up strategy, assisting emerging nations in advancing climate actions through improved climate finance access. International cooperation is vital, particularly for least developed and emerging economies, to expedite national climate goals aligned with the Paris Agreement. A similar approach could enhance the Global Stocktake’s effectiveness in identifying collaboration priorities.
This report summarizes the activities, publications, and other engagements of the DDP in 2022.
Anticipation surrounds COP27 as Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETPs) are poised to be announced, potentially fostering trust and action in climate talks, particularly in coal-dependent emerging economies. Following the South African precedent, these deals are a response to the G7’s commitment to replicate them in countries like India, Indonesia, Senegal, and Vietnam. Yet, uncertainty shrouds their effectiveness. Conditions for fulfilling JETPs’ promises are unclear.

International – experts: 2022 Scenarios Forum: This project was responsible for organising a specific session of the Forum. Its focus: drawing policy implications and insights for international climate dialogues from national deep decarbonisation scenarios. It featured the methods from this project.

This seminar entitled “Sustainable coal pathways for India” is organized by DDP, under the leadership of IIMA (Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad), in collaboration with PMRC (Panigrahi Mining Research and Consultancy).

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