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The Deep Decarbonization Pathways Initiative is a cross-country network aimed at facilitating the development and sharing of national and subnational pathways to achieve deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. It provides a platform for countries to collaborate on strategies and policies for transitioning to low-carbon economies. 

The DDP is a collaborative effort involving governments, research institutions, and international organizations. It was launched in 2013 under the leadership of  the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN). 

The main goal of the DDP is to provide countries with a framework for developing and implementing deep decarbonization pathways that are consistent with limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, in line with the Paris Agreement.

The DDP works by engaging countries to develop detailed, country-specific pathways that outline the necessary emissions reductions across various sectors. These pathways consider economic, technological, and social factors while aiming for a sustainable and low-carbon future.

A typical DDP process involves collaboration between government agencies, research institutions, and stakeholders. It includes the analysis of current emissions, identification of mitigation options, modeling of different scenarios, and the formulation of policy recommendations to achieve deep decarbonization.

Participating national partners benefit from access to technical expertise, data, and analytical tools to develop robust decarbonization strategies. The DDP also fosters international cooperation and knowledge exchange, allowing countries to learn from each other’s experiences. 

While the DDP primarily focuses on national pathways, it also recognizes the importance of subnational and regional pathways. Many initiatives under the DDP umbrella also consider local contexts and policies for emissions reduction.

By providing countries with a structured approach to deep decarbonization, the DDP contributes to the broader global efforts to mitigate climate change. It helps countries align their actions with the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Yes, non-governmental entities such as research organizations, universities, and industry stakeholders can contribute to the DDP by providing expertise, data, and insights. Collaboration among diverse stakeholders enhances the effectiveness of the initiative.