Advancing Deep Decarbonization Pathways in Emerging economies

Brazil, India, Indonesia, and South Africa are all committed to meeting the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Their domestic mitigation efforts focus on implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC’s), which need to be strengthened over time, according to the Agreement. 

However, three main challenges need to be overcome in the implementation and review of mitigation targets,policies or processes: 

  • The lack of tools to define transformational long-term strategies for complex sectors such as transport, industry, or agriculture/land-use, which are traditionally poorly represented in existing long-term strategies or policy plans. 
  • The need to link and support the domestic  policy development processes in key sectors, and to ensure that it is consistent with the long-term transformations required by these sectors to meet the Paris Agreement goals. 
  • The need to have an enhanced societal dialogue to support ambitious climate policy development through empowerment and coordination of national stakeholders. 

Long-term low GHG emission development strategies are a crucial tool to inform priority short-term actions with the best transformative impact, both at the country scale and through international cooperation. Developing these strategies allows actors of the political economy to be engaged in a comprehensive dialogue about the transformation, thereby increasing the mitigation capacity at the national level. If they are connected to international processes, such as stocktake and revision cycles, developing long-term low GHG emission development strategies can also boost international mitigation capacity. 

The project

Thanks to the support of the International Climate Initiative(IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), IDDRI  led over four years a consortium bringing together outstanding partners in four emerging economies: CentroClima/COPPE (Brazil),Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad(IIMA), Center for Research on Energy Policy of The Institut Teknologi Bandung(CREP-ITB) & the Bogor Agricultural University (CCROM – IPB) (Indonesia), and the Energy Research Center at University of Cape Town (South Africa). The project builds on the community developed through theDeep Decarbonisation Pathways Project and will share methodological insights with members of the2050 Pathways Platform to support their process of developing long-term strategies. 

Project’s publications

As part of the this project, a study was commissioned to ClimateWorks Australia on how to bring closer decarbonization pathways and finance-related decision-making. Growth through transformation: An investment vision guide for climate and development (referred to as Investment Vision Guide) is a theoretical framework designed to complement efforts by countries to articulate their long-term, low-emissions development strategy (commonly referred to as a ‘long-term strategy’) under the Paris Agreement. It seeks to help governments answer the question: ‘How can we best align policy and investment decisions to achieve a prosperous and climate-safe future for all?’ 


  • 1st DDP BIICS project workshop – 15, 16 & 17 October 2019 (3 days)
  • 2nd DDP BIICS project workshop – 8, 10 & 12 March 2020 (3 days)
  • 3rd DDP BIICS project workshop – 23, 24 & 25 June 2020 (3 days)
  • 4th DDP BIICS project workshop – 4, 5 & 6 November 2020 (3 days)
  • 5th DDP BIICS project workshop – 8, 10 & 12 March 2021 (3 days)
  • 6th DDP BIICS project workshop – 28, 30 June & 2 July 2021 (3 days)