Workshop on Long-Term Energy Planning and use of LEAP software to build Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission scenarios for Senegal

From November 26 to 31 2024, an intensive energy planning workshop was held in Senegal, led by Francisco Lallana and Ignacio Sagardoy, from Fundación Bariloche. Members of ENDA Energie Organization, Senegalese Energy Transition Core Group, as well as other stakeholders from government agencies, were trained in the process of building and validating a national energy model with LEAP, building on the progress made last year with the support of IDDRI.

Several scenarios that simulate energy consumption, economic growth and GHG emissions trajectories were explored. The ultimate goal of the collaboration between the institutions is to identify the best options for achieving low-carbon development improving the quality of life of the people of Senegal, while taking the challenges posed by Climate Change into consideration.