
ACT-DDP Ambitious national commitments, and strategies of private companies

The ACT initiative and DDP initiative has launched a project at the end of 2019 to build, illustrate and promote tools enabling a dialogue between private companies and governments for a mutual enrichment of their decarbonisation strategies. These final workshops on the same topic, aim to present the principal findings and results of this 2-year program and discuss it with a broad audience of associations, companies, academics and public authorities. Coal phase out/down is a complex transition for coal producing and consuming countries requiring designing and implementing socially just, economically viable and publicly acceptable frame-works. CCS is a relatively new technology, not proven at scale in commercial terms which needs to meet some specific technical requirements such as availability of underground stor-age. Moreover, these choices need to be embedded in a broader context of international de-velopments that may affect the coal sector, including access to finance, international energy markets or trade regulations for high carbon footprint export commodities. With this background this event is intended to seek for answers to coal-based power capaci-ty decarbonization by discussing/sharing ideas and experiences related to the consideration of the previously mentioned challenges.


Mexico city on April 20
São Paulo on April, 27