Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings, exciting developments, and upcoming events within the DDP network. Here, we bring you an overview of all the news and activities that shape our community.
Read our quarterly bulletin
- Senegal project
- Meeting
- 2025

Energy transition in Senegal
- Senegal project
- Meeting
- February 18, 2025
Energy transition in Senegal
- France, Senegal
Last week, Samba Fall, Cheikh Dieylani Diop and Ansoumana Djite from ENDA Energie in Dakar joined the DDP Secretariat in Paris for a week of intensive work to develop and model pathways for the Senegalese energy transition as part of the DDP Senegal project, supported by AFD. This involved exploring different pathways of how Senegal can fulfill commitments under the Just Energy Transition Partnership with France, Germany and the EU, while achieving universal electricity access and supporting economic development. Results from the DDP Senegal project will be published in a few weeks.
With (from left to right): Clara Lepin, DDP Secretariat in Paris
Henri Waisman, Director, DDP Secretariat in Paris
Ansoumana Djite, ENDA Energie, Senegal
Cheikh Dieylani Diop, ENDA Energie, Senegal
Yann Briand, DDP Secretariat in Paris
Samba Fall, ENDA Energie, Senegal
Alexandre Tourbah, CIRED, France
Johannes Svensson, DDP Secretariat in Paris (missing on the photo)
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- Workshop
- 2024

Launch of the “Luiz Pinguelli Rosa” chair, a desirable future: Just Transition to Climate Compatible Development in Brazil
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- Workshop
- November 19, 2024
Launch of the “Luiz Pinguelli Rosa” chair, a desirable future: Just Transition to Climate Compatible Development in Brazil
- Brazil
On October 18th, COPPE organized an event in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in honour of the late Luiz Pinguelli Rosa to discuss these proposals with high-rank Brazilian Government officials (Ana Toni, From the Ministry of Environment; and André Corrêa do Lago, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) together with Izabella Teixeira, former Minister of Environment and other co-authors of the papers (J.C. Hourcade from CIRED, France and Maria Netto, from iCS).

- Publication
- 2024

NDC – LT-LEDS alignment guide: Aligning short-term plans with long-term ambitions
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- Publication
- November 19, 2024
NDC – LT-LEDS alignment guide: Aligning short-term plans with long-term ambitions
- Chile, Europe, India, Marocco
This guide was developed through close collaboration between the 2050 Pathways Platform and the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Initiative (DDP) at IDDRI. In order to help countries achieve alignment of short-term plans with the long-term systemic transformations needed to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, it provides a practical framework based on the premise that countries can fully understand how their NDCs align with the Paris Agreement only by viewing alignment through the lens of a Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS), which can highlight transformations and actions that might be overlooked in a short-term perspective, expanding the scope of the alignment process. It also also includes four country case studies (Chile, European Union, Morocco, India) presenting real examples of alignment.
- DDP Intitiative
- Publication
- 2024

DDP Annual Report 2024
- DDP Intitiative
- Publication
- October 17, 2024
DDP Annual Report 2024
- Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, USA
This 2024 report analyzes detailed scenarios from ten countries collectively representing nearly half of the world’s population and a significant portion of global emissions: Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and the United States, based on in-country perspectives from local experts.
The report’s deep decarbonization scenarios showcase a variety of pathways to achieve carbon neutrality while maintaining economic growth and improving social well-being
- Conference
- 2024

Participation in the international convening ‘2050 is Now’: Aligning Climate Action with Long-Term Climate and Development Goals
- Conference
- September 30, 2024
Participation in the international convening ‘2050 is Now’: Aligning Climate Action with Long-Term Climate and Development Goals
- Indonesia
As a member of the IKI-LTS Project consortium, the DDP initiative participated in the international convening ‘2050 is Now’: Aligning Climate Action with Long-Term Climate and Development Goals in Jakarta, Indonesia.
A great opportunity for our DDP research partners Gelang Dewi (Center for Research on Energy Policy, Institut Teknologi Bandung-Indonesia) and William Wills (CentroClima, COPPE-UFRJ-Brazil) to deliver insightful presentations and disseminate their key findings and policy lessons based on national scenario development, opening new perspectives on reducing carbon emissions at a national scale.

- Publication
- 2024

The AFOLU sector’s role in national decarbonization: a comparative analysis of low-GHG development pathways in Brazil, India and Indonesia
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- Publication
- September 5, 2024
The AFOLU sector’s role in national decarbonization: a comparative analysis of low-GHG development pathways in Brazil, India and Indonesia
- Brazil, India, Indonesia
This paper analyses the role that AFOLU (agriculture, forest and other land use) plays in national deep decarbonization scenarios in Brazil, India and Indonesia between 2020 and 2050. It finds that the LULUCF (land use, land use change and forestry) subsector is important for medium-term mitigation (2020–2030) while continuing to contribute to mitigation over the long-term (2030–2050) in the three countries. Mitigation actions in LULUCF include drastically reducing deforestation (Brazil, Indonesia) and peat degradation (Indonesia), re-/afforestation (all), increased sequestration in standing forests (Brazil, Indonesia) and increasing soil carbon in agricultural lands (India). AFOLU further contributes to mitigation in Brazil and Indonesia by producing biomass feedstock for bioenergy. No country significantly reduces N2O and CH4 emissions from either agriculture or via demand-side actions on diets, due to trade-offs with food security, rural livelihoods and economic growth (although all countries reduce the GHG intensity of agricultural products). Furthermore, the paper analyses national policies to manoeuvre co-benefits and trade-offs between mitigation and other sustainable development goals (SDGs), including no poverty (1); zero hunger (2); decent work and economic growth (8); climate action, including both adaptation and mitigation (13); and life on land (15). Common policy areas were identified, including incentives to land managers for conservation or more environmental agricultural practices; changing regulations of land use to protect ecosystems and/or encourage shifts in agricultural practices; and strengthening enforcement capacity of land protection.
- Report
- 2024

The Study “Synchronizing energy transitions toward possible Net Zero for India (…)” appears in the Economic Survey 2023-2024 of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India
- Report
- August 2, 2024
The Study “Synchronizing energy transitions toward possible Net Zero for India (…)” appears in the Economic Survey 2023-2024 of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India
- India
Excerpt appears in the Chapter 6 on “Climate Change and Energy Transitions: dealing with trade-offs“, box on page 198-199 that you can find also via the general report of Economic Survey 2024-2024:
“A study titled ‘Synchronizing energy transitions toward possible Net Zero for India: affordable and clean energy for all’ was conducted by the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad with the support of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India and the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.
The report contains the projection of the energy mix in the backdrop of India’s Net Zero 2070 announcements and cleaner, affordable energy for all. The projected future energy basket for 2030, 2050, and 2070 across various growth and climate commitment scenarios have been presented in the report.
Main Conclusions of the Report
1. A sustainable energy transition needs the co-existence of several energy sources.
2. Coal is projected to continue until the next two decades as the backbone of the Indian energy system. Although technologies such as Carbon Dioxide Removal technologies (CDRs), such as Bioenergy with CO2 Capture & Storage (BECCS), and CCUS need to be explored to reduce the emissions from the use of coal. However, the energy penalty65 for deploying BECCS/CCUS at power plants would need a closer examination.
3. Renewable Energy (RE) and nuclear power are expected to be the predominant sources of energy by 2070.
4. Coal phase-down will be heavily dependent on the import of critical minerals required for renewable energy and battery storage unless the country invests in the development of technologies based on domestically available mineral resources and those that enable the reuse, recovery, and recycling of critical minerals.”
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- Dialogue
- 2024

Just Transitions Dialogue
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- Dialogue
- July 26, 2024
Just Transitions Dialogue
Last July 23-25 we held a “Just Transitions Dialogue” in Barcelona centered around the realities and complexities of implementing just transitions in different national contexts. We aimed to bring in-country perspectives of implementing a just transition based on five different countries’ contexts: India, Chile, France, Indonesia and South Africa. The framing of the discussion considered how to overcome the key obstacles when countries are trying to undertake their just transition, and how these relate to global enablers -and getting to net zero emissions globally by 2050.

- in the media
- 2024

‘Hopeless and broken’: why the world’s top climate scientists are in despair
- in the media
- May 13, 2024
‘Hopeless and broken’: why the world’s top climate scientists are in despair
The Guardian asked 380 top climate scientists what they felt about the future…
They are terrified, but determined to keep fighting.
Here’s what they said.