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- Publication
- May, 2024

ESRG Working paper – Assessing the economy-wide effect of localizing renewable energy value chains in South Africa
This working paper synthesizes existing research and policy on the localisation efforts within the South African context…
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- Publication
- May 31, 2024
ESRG Working paper – Assessing the economy-wide effect of localizing renewable energy value chains in South Africa
- South Africa
This working paper synthesizes existing research and policy on the localisation efforts within the South African context…
In-country work since
2013 (start of DDPP)
Key areas of work
- Net Zero & long-term planning
- Clean power and energy systems
- Coal transitions
- National systemic transformations
- Just Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions
- Development & climate interface
- Industrial decarbonization
- International climate collaborations
- Governance & public policy
Key in-country partners
Hilton Trollip
Energy sector Specialist and Climate change mitigation Specialist ; Senior lecturer and Postgraduate Director of the Energy and Development Studies Programme at University of Cape Town (UCT).
Energy sector Specialist and Climate change mitigation Specialist ; Senior lecturer and Postgraduate Director of the Energy and Development Studies Programme at University of Cape Town (UCT).
More details …
Latest DDP Scenario
DDP South Africa country factsheet
Imagine (currently being developed):
- Reference scenario
- 8Gt scenario
- 9Gt scenario
Contributions to policy processes:
DDP South Africa has contributed to:
- JETP process, including the JETP Investment plan
- The South African LTS
- Including a private sector agreement on LTS vision & underpinning industrial roadmaps
- The Enhanced NDC
Gender: Climate Change and urbanization in Gujarat
Key projects
- NDC Aspects
Key in-country collaborations
- N/A
Past and ongoing projects
- Country report (Nov 2021): Policy lessons on deep decarbonization in large emerging economies: South Africa
- In-person event at COP26 (Nov 2021): Long-Term Strategies in emerging economies
- Report (September 2021): Analysis of current ambition level in South Africa
- Ongoing engagement work on green primary iron (2021-now):
- Concept note: How Green Primary Iron production in South Africa could support local development and global decarbonisation
- Journal article: Hilton Trollip, Bryce McCall & Chris Bataille (2022) How green primary iron production in South Africa could help global decarbonization, Climate Policy, 22:2, 236-247, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2021.2024123
- 2021: SA-EU High-level meeting on industrial decarbonization pathways, with NBI