Visualise France pathways for passenger transport sector

This page allow to display decarbonization pathways for the severall sectors in Brazil, Indonesia, India and South Africa.

Which sector and country pathways would you like to explore ?

French team has developed two options:
Scenario 1 - “Mobility-First” scenario
Scenario 2 - “Technology-First” scenario

Further explore these options in the « Pathways to deep decarbonization of the passenger transport sector in France » report .

Population201020202030204020500. inhabMetropolitan*Non-metropolitan+13%
Individual mobility201020202030204020500. pkm/capIndividual mobilityConstrained*Non-constrained*-19%
Mobility (2010 to 2050)MetropolitanNon-Metropolitan0. pkm/capConstrained*Non-constrained*-10%
* Place mouse over legend item with asterisk to see associated noteDisplay StackedBar values as %

Display one or two set of data
Display one set of data to explore one scenario with full data precision.
Display two set of data at once to compare scenarios evolution.