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Net Zero & Long-Term planning | Development & Climate interface | Energy systems modelling | Macroeconomic modelling | Power sector | Oil&Gas sector | Transport sector | Industrial Sector | Residential Sector AFOLU sector
Net Zero & Long-Term planning | Development & Climate interface | Energy systems modelling | Macroeconomic modelling | Power sector | Oil&Gas sector | Transport sector | Industrial Sector | Residential Sector | AFOLU sector
Net Zero & long-term planning | Clean power and energy systems | Macroeconomic and trade balance implications of fossil fuel phase out | Urban structure and emissions reductions | Energy and climate policy development | Climate technology strategies for developing countries | National systemic transformations | Just Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions | Development & climate interface | International climate collaborations | Governance & public policy
Net Zero & long-term planning | Clean power and energy systems | Coal transitions | Land-use and food transformations | National systemic transformations | Sustainable Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions | Finance and business engagement | Development & climate interface | International climate collaborations | Governance & public policy | Industrial decarbonization Adaptation to impacts of climate change
Net Zero & long-term planning | Clean power and energy systems | National systemic transformations | Just Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions | Development & climate interface | International climate collaborations | Governance & public policy | Coal transitions | Methane and non-CO2 mitigation
Net Zero & long-term planning | Clean power and energy systems | Land-use and forestry transformations | Low-carbon agriculture and husbandry | National systemic transformations | Just Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions | Economics & investments | Finance and business engagement | Development & climate interface | International climate collaborations | Governance & public policy | Industrial decarbonization | Low-carbon transport systems | Design of Carbon pricing schemes
Indonesia aims to reach net-zero emissions by 2060 or sooner. Initiatives like the JETP have shown the importance of the alignment of key national energy-related decarbonization strategies. A National Dialogue in the context of the 2nd NDC would be a key tool to help move forward the alignment and optimisation of implementation efforts.
Indonesia has a climate goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2060 or sooner. Recent initiatives like the JETP, which focuses on decarbonizing the on-grid power sector with USD20 billion in public and private financing, have brought light on the importance of the alignment of key Indonesian energy-related decarbonization strategies such as LTS-LCCR, NDCs and other plans, for effective implementation and funding. Indeed, lack of coherence creates the risk of not reaching emission reduction goals. A National Dialogue on the Acceleration of Energy Decarbonization in Indonesia would be a key tool to help move forward the alignment and optimisation of implementation efforts. By doing it in the context of the Second NDC, alignment will make possible a clear milestone for 2035 of the path and ambition level of the country to credibly achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2060 or sooner.
LCS-RNet 14th Annual Meeting – Further steps towards Net Zero: Ways to accelerate stakeholder collaboration between citizens, policymakers and researchers
While the increased attention to food systems at COP28 is welcome, these initiatives are pieces of a puzzle that is far from complete. The initiatives and processes discussed above must translate into action.

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