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Traditional approaches to international cooperation are insufficient to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement. As a complement to the existing governance framework, innovative solutions must start happening, according to a new report “Innovative International Cooperation for Climate” published by the Deep Decarbonization Pathways (DDP) Initiative.
The first Global Stocktake will culminate at COP28 after two years of technical and political processes. It is a critical milestone to reach the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
The diversity of global climate initiatives lack coordination, requiring a collective framework for effective integration of actions. Current efforts inadequately drive climate ambition, necessitating a new vision emphasizing creativity, context-specific strategies, and systemic transformations. African nations encounter obstacles meeting Paris Agreement targets. This report urges for enhanced cooperation focusing on environmental, transformative, and distributive outcomes — an effort that COP28 could guide for improved international cooperation beyond UNFCCC.
Just published, this report focuses on global climate initiatives coordination and collective framework for effective integration of voluntary actions.
New to the UNFCCC COP process? Here are some terms to know that can help you navigate the negotiations at this year’s Global Stocktake.
The report emphasizes the urgent need for swift and transformative action on climate change in line with the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals.
Today, the DDP launched its report on “Innovative International Cooperation for Climate”. Here we have a comics strip to illustrate what innovative international could mean. Follow the story of the forest animals and how they work together on creative solutions to solve their problem.
The report emphasizes the urgent need for swift and transformative action on climate change in line with the Paris Agreement’s temperature goals. Incremental changes won’t suffice; instead, a systemic transformation involving both technological and organizational shifts across all sectors and countries is essential. 

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