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A series of events took place in India from October 31-November 4 …
IMAGINE is an EU funded project that builds modelling capacity, designs national deep decarbonisation trajectories and organises stakeholder engagement campaigns to impact domestic processes in in eight countries, mainly emerging economies.
The GST provides an ideal opportunity to develop a set of common, succinct messages which can help support a Paris-aligned vision of international cooperation and, by so doing, catalyse the political push for an increase in collective ambition in targets and actions.
The UNFCCC stresses the need to envisage systems’ transformation in climate policy and identifies a set of key conditions to implement them, as part of the synthesis report of the first Global Stocktake (GST).
The DDP submitted to the UNFCCC recommendations on freight decarbonization to support international cooperation.
The DDP, together with IDDRI and Tempus Analitica, submitted to the UNFCCC views and recommendations addressing international cooperation in the context of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, based on the experiences and needs of the Latin American and Caribbean Region.
Watch a video with Africa GST Project lead Xolisa Ngwadla on the key findings of the report “Status Quo Analysis on African engagement and perspectives on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Global Stocktake”
The article, entitled “Behind the scenes at Senegal’s ‘just energy transition partnership’” talks about the process of how Senegal reached a deal that is aligned with their national development goals.
African countries have so far had a poor engagement in the Global Stocktake (GST) process due to a number of factors. This report tries to understand why that is the case and how we could improve on increasing their engagement.
The DDP Indonesia team conducted a workshop on the Acceleration of Decarbonization in the Indonesian Energy Sector on September 6th and 7th in Jakarta

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