News and events
- Publications
- 2024

Discover the last publications from the Indian team
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- Publications
- December 16, 2024
Discover the last publications from the Indian team
- India
Chaturvedi, V., Ghosh, A., Garg, A., Avashia, V., Vishwanathan, S. S., Gupta, D., … & Prasad, S. (2024). India’s pathway to net zero by 2070: status, challenges, and way forward. Environmental Research Letters, 19 (11), 112501. Read the publication
Patange, O., Purohit, P., Avashia, V., Klimont, Z., & Garg, A. (2024). Mitigation of non-CO2 greenhouse gases from Indian agriculture sector. Environmental Research Letters. Read the publication
- Workshops
- August & November, 2024

Stakeholder Engagement Workshops organized at IIM Ahmedabad
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- Workshops
- December 16, 2024
Stakeholder Engagement Workshops organized at IIM Ahmedabad
- India
- IIMA organized a dissemination event on “Synchronizing Energy Transitions toward Possible Net Zero for India: Affordable and Clean Energy for All” on August 17, 2024 at IIMA. The objective of this event was to discuss the current trends and elicit feedback from key stakeholders, and to draw insights from international experiences to enhance the understanding of sustainable energy transition at subnational and local levels.

- IIMA and National Investment & Infrastructure Fund (NIIF) co-organised the workshop on “Building Sector and Net Zero 2070” on August 24, 2024 at IIMA. The event aimed to promote an open discussion between policymakers, industry leaders, academia and researchers regarding challenges and opportunities involved in integrated design approaches in building sector, linking building sector, energy efficient technology solutions and finance, role of green building rating programs, etc.

- IIMA and Innovative Thought Forum (ITF), under the aegis of Energy and Petrochemicals Department, Government of Gujarat, organized a stakeholder engagement workshop on “Decentralizing Net Zero 2070” on November 23, 2024 at IIMA. The aim of this workshop was to discuss the current trends and innovative decentralized solutions in the field of bioenergy, DRE, green hydrogen, etc., towards realizing the Net Zero 2070 target of India.

- Conference
- November 4-6, 2024

Participation at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC)
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- Conference
- December 16, 2024
Participation at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC)
- India
Presentation on “An Accounting Framework for Implementing India’s NDC using Key Policy Analysis” at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium (IAMC) held in Seoul, South Korea from November 4-6, 2024, by Dr. Jyoti Maheshwari
Presentation on “Energy Transitions and Net Zero Learnings and Insights” at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modelling Consortium (IAMC) held in Seoul, South Korea from November 4-6, 2024, by Dr. Saritha Sudharmma Vishwanathan
- Conference
- September 16 –18, 2024
Invitation as Panelist for the Global Event held by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India
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- Conference
- December 16, 2024
Invitation as Panelist for the Global Event held by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India
- India
Professor Amit Garg was invited to speak at the 4th Global Renewable Energy Investors Meet and Expo (RE-INVEST 2024) held by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, from September 16 –18, 2024, in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Two newspaper articles were published on 18th September 2024 for this event:
1. Financial instruments will promote carbon credit in India: Experts
- Publication

NDC – LT-LEDS alignment guide: Aligning short-term plans with long-term ambitions
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- Publication
- November 19, 2024
NDC – LT-LEDS alignment guide: Aligning short-term plans with long-term ambitions
- Chile, Europe, India, Marocco
This guide was developed through close collaboration between the 2050 Pathways Platform and the Deep Decarbonization Pathways Initiative (DDP) at IDDRI. In order to help countries achieve alignment of short-term plans with the long-term systemic transformations needed to meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, it provides a practical framework based on the premise that countries can fully understand how their NDCs align with the Paris Agreement only by viewing alignment through the lens of a Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS), which can highlight transformations and actions that might be overlooked in a short-term perspective, expanding the scope of the alignment process. It also also includes four country case studies (Chile, European Union, Morocco, India) presenting real examples of alignment.
- Publication
- 30 Aug 2024

The AFOLU sector’s role in national decarbonization: a comparative analysis of low-GHG development pathways in Brazil, India and Indonesia
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- Publication
- September 5, 2024
The AFOLU sector’s role in national decarbonization: a comparative analysis of low-GHG development pathways in Brazil, India and Indonesia
- Brazil, India, Indonesia
This paper analyses the role that AFOLU (agriculture, forest and other land use) plays in national deep decarbonization scenarios in Brazil, India and Indonesia between 2020 and 2050. It finds that the LULUCF (land use, land use change and forestry) subsector is important for medium-term mitigation (2020–2030) while continuing to contribute to mitigation over the long-term (2030–2050) in the three countries. Mitigation actions in LULUCF include drastically reducing deforestation (Brazil, Indonesia) and peat degradation (Indonesia), re-/afforestation (all), increased sequestration in standing forests (Brazil, Indonesia) and increasing soil carbon in agricultural lands (India). AFOLU further contributes to mitigation in Brazil and Indonesia by producing biomass feedstock for bioenergy. No country significantly reduces N2O and CH4 emissions from either agriculture or via demand-side actions on diets, due to trade-offs with food security, rural livelihoods and economic growth (although all countries reduce the GHG intensity of agricultural products). Furthermore, the paper analyses national policies to manoeuvre co-benefits and trade-offs between mitigation and other sustainable development goals (SDGs), including no poverty (1); zero hunger (2); decent work and economic growth (8); climate action, including both adaptation and mitigation (13); and life on land (15). Common policy areas were identified, including incentives to land managers for conservation or more environmental agricultural practices; changing regulations of land use to protect ecosystems and/or encourage shifts in agricultural practices; and strengthening enforcement capacity of land protection.
In-country work since
2013 (start of DDPP)
Key areas of work
- Net Zero & long-term planning
- Clean power and energy systems
- Coal transitions
- Land-use and food transformations
- National systemic transformations
- Sustainable Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions
- Finance and business engagement
- Development & climate interface
- International climate collaborations
- Governance & public policy
- Industrial decarbonization Adaptation to impacts of climate change
Key in-country partners

Research Assistant
More details …
Latest DDP Scenario
- DDS 1
- DDS 2
Imagine (currently being developed):
Contributions to policy processes:
DDP India has contributed to:
- State of Gujarat policy process:
- Climate Policy and Governance [Low carbon and climate resilient Gujarat]
Gender: Climate Change and urbanization in Gujarat
Key projects
- NDC Aspects
Key in-country collaborations
- WRI India
- GIZ India
- BITS Pilani
- IMI Kolkata IIT Gandhinagar
Past and ongoing projects
- Event (November 2023): Sustainable Decarbonisation Pathways for Gujarat
- Event (November 2023): Workshop on Sustainable Energy Transitions in India Towards Net Zero 2070
- Event (October 2023): From G20 to COP28: International finance as a global enabler of ambitious national pathways
- Policy Discussion (July 2023): Transitioning towards a Green Hydrogen Economy for Net Zero 2070
- Workshop (July 2023) : How can we operationalise equity in the GST debate-
- Academic publication: Collaboration with EUISS
- Seminar (Oct 2022): Sustainable coal pathways for India
- In-person event at COP26 (Nov 2021): Long-Term Strategies in emerging economies
- Country report (Nov 2021): Policy lessons on deep decarbonization in large emerging economies: India
- Report (September 2021): Analysis of current ambition level in India