Brazil In-country Work

News and events


The AFOLU sector’s role in national decarbonization: a comparative analysis of low-GHG development pathways in Brazil, India and Indonesia

This paper analyses the role that AFOLU (agriculture, forest and other land use) plays in national deep decarbonization scenarios in Brazil, India and Indonesia between 2020 and 2050. It finds that the LULUCF (land use, land use change and forestry) subsector is important for medium-term mitigation (2020–2030) while continuing to contribute to mitigation over the long-term (2030–2050) in the three countries.
July 2024_Commentary_brazil_for T20 in November 2024

Commentary sent to the Mid Term Conference of the T20 Brazil

This commentary was sent to the Mid Term Conference of the T20 Brazil (a group of think thanks supplying inputs to the G-20 Summit scheduled for November in Rio) held in July 2024.
Photo of modern giant dam, located on Parana river. Itaipu Binacional hydroelectric power station in Foz do Iguazu Brazil on border with Paraguay. Hydro electrification concept. Copy ad text space

Transição Energética e Powershoring na América Latina e Caribe:Oportunidades, Desafios e Políticas Públicas

This policy paper on energy transition and powershoring in Latina America and the Caribbean was reviewed in March
main photo_wcpuet

5th Workshop on prospective scenarios for energy use in transportation

George Goes, Daniel Schmidt and Marcio Dagosto participated at this workshop, held at the Technology Park of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ in its Portuguese acronym).

National Congress on Sustainability, Climate Change and Quality of Life

Emilio Lébre La Rovere participated at the “National Congress on Sustainability, Climate Change and Quality of Life”, held in El Salvador, from 18-21 March, 2024.

In-country work since

2013 (start of DDPP)

Key areas of work

  • Net Zero & long-term planning
  • Clean power and energy systems
  • Land-use and forestry transformations
  • Low-carbon agriculture and husbandry
  • National systemic transformations
  • Just Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions
  • Economics & investments
  • Finance and business engagement
  • Development & climate interface
  • International climate collaborations
  • Governance & public policy
  • Industrial decarbonization
  • Low-carbon transport systems
  • Design of Carbon pricing schemes: carbon tax and cap-and-trade systems Macroeconomic and social impacts of the transition to a net zero-carbon economy on: GDP, employment levels, inflation rates, purchasing power of low-income households.

Key in-country partners

C. Nogueira
Erika C. Nogueira
Márcio D'Agosto
Associate Professor
Carolina Dubeux
Senior Researcher
G. Mateus
Lisandra G. Mateus
Researcher at the Centro Clima (COPPE/UFRJ) and PhD student at the Energy Planning Program (PPE/COPPE/UFRJ)
Cláudio Gesteira
Carolina Grottera
H. F. da Cunha
Sérgio H. F. da Cunha

Otto Hebeda
Energy Research Analyst at EPE
K. C. Walter
Michele K. C. Walter
Senior Researcher at Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ
Lebre La Rovere
Emilio Lebre La Rovere
Professor of the Energy Planning Program, Head of the Environmental Sciences Laboratory (LIMA) and of the Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and the Environment (CENTRO CLIMA) at COPPE/UFRJ
M. Loureiro
Saulo M. Loureiro
Ruth Mittrany
Communications and Events Coordinator
Daniel Schmitz
Giovanna Naspolini
Ninô de Carvalho
Pedro Ninô de Carvalho
Researcher & Economist, PhD candidate at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
S. Guimarães
Bruna S. Guimarães
Researcher at the Center for Integrated Studies on Climate Change and the Environment (Centro Clima)
V. Goes
George V. Goes
PhD in Transport Engineering and postdoctoral Researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Coppe-UFRJ)
William Wills
Senior consultant at CentroClima and director at the Brazilian Climate Center

Instituto de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia é COPPE at Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro — UFRJ

More details …

Latest DDP Scenario


  • New Government Policy Scenario 1
  • New Government Policy Scenario 2


  • CPS
  • DDS

DDP Brazil country factsheet

Contributions to policy processes:

DDP Brazil has contributed to:

  • INDC (2014-2015)
  • Brazil Zero Carbon 2060 (2018)
  • Civil society-led scenario work: Climate and Development Initiative for visions for Brazil 2030 & post-elections scenarios 

Key projects

  • Imagine
  • Climate&Development

Key in-country collaborations

  • Instituto Talanoa
  • iCS – Instituto Clima e Sociedade
  • CBC – Centro Brasil no Clima

Past and ongoing projects

  1. Report (2022): ACT-DDP Brazil scenario notes
    1. Economy-wide
    2. Power Generation
    3. Cement
    4. AFOLU
  2. In-person workshop (April 2022): ACT-DDP Ambitious national commitments, and strategies of private companies
  3. Report (September 2021): Analysis of current ambition level in Brazil
  4. Brief (2021): Estimating net job creation in long-term decarbonization scenarios for Brazil through employment factors
  5. Country report (Nov 2021) : Policy lessons on deep decarbonization in large emerging economies: Brazil
  6. In-person event at COP26 (Nov 2021): Long-Term Strategies in emerging economies
  7. Report (2020):
    1. Policy lessons from the Deep Decarbonization Pathways in Latin America and the Caribbean Project
    2. Overall synthesis and country team perspectives
  8. Hebeda, O.; Guimarães, B. S.V.; Cretton-Souza, G.; La Rovere, E. L.; Pereira Jr., A. O.; Pathways for deep decarbonization of the Brazilian iron and steel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, v.23, p.1 – 37, 2023.
  9. Gonçalves, D. N. S.; Goes, G. V.; D’Agosto, M. A.; La Rovere, E. L.; Development of Policy-Relevant Dialogues on Barriers and Enablers for the Transition to Low-Carbon Mobility in Brazil. Sustainability, v.14, 16405, 2022.
  10. Grottera, C.; Naspolini, G. F.; La Rovere, E. L.; Gonçalves, D. N. S.; Nogueira, E. C.; Hebeda, O.; Dubeux, C. B. S.; Góes, G. V.; Moreira, M. M. R.; Cruz, G. M.; Gesteira, C. J. M.; Wills, W.; Castro, G. M.; D’Agosto, M. A.; Letreut, G.; Cunha, S. H.; Lefèvre, J.; Energy Policy Implications of Carbon Pricing Scenarios for the Brazilian NDC Implementation. Energy Policy, v. 160, p. 112664, 2022.
  11. Wills, W., La Rovere, E.L., Grottera, C., Naspolini, G.F., Le Treut, G., Ghersi, F., Lefevre, J., Dubeux, C.B.S., 2021. Economic and social effectiveness of carbon pricing schemes to meet Brazilian NDC targets. Climate Policy, 2021, 22(1), pp. 48–63. 080/14693062.2021.1981212
  12. Unterstell, N. & La Rovere, E. L. (coords), et al; “Climate and Development: Visions for Brazil 2030. Executive Summary”, a report prepared by Talanoa Institute and Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ for the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS), Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), Brazil Climate Coalition for Agriculture and Forestry, Concertação pela Amazônia, ClimaInfo, Arapyaú Institute, IPAM and WWF, 16 p., October 2021.
  13. Unterstell, N. & La Rovere, E. L. (coords), et al; “Clima e Desenvolvimento: Visões para o Brasil 2030. Documento de Cenários e Políticas Climáticas”, a report prepared by Talanoa Institute and Centro Clima/COPPE/UFRJ for the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS), Brazilian Business Council for Sustainable Development (CEBDS), Brazil Climate Coalition for Agriculture and Forestry, Concertação pela Amazônia, ClimaInfo, Arapyaú Institute, IPAM and WWF, 131 p., October 2021.
  14. La Rovere, E. L.; “Evaluation of Brazil’s Commitments in the New Version of its First NDC”, in Scientific and legal analysis of the new Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the Paris Agreement, organized by the Institute for Climate and Society, Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brazil, p. 6-22, March 2021.
  15. Goes, G. V.; Gonçalves, D. N. S.; De Almeida D’Agosto, M.; La Rovere, E. L.; De Mello Bandeira, R. A.; MRV framework and prospective scenarios to monitor and ratchet up Brazilian transport mitigation targets. Climatic Change, v.161, p.1 – 21, 2020.
  16. Waisman, H.; Bataille, C.; Winkler, H.; Jotzo, F.; Shukla, P.; Colombier, M.; Buira, D.; Criqui, P.; Fischedick, M.; Kainuma, M.; La Rovere, E.; Pye, S.; Safonov, G.; Siagian, U.; Teng, F.; Virdis, M.R.; Williams, J.; Young, S. et al; “A pathway design framework for national low greenhouse gas emission development strategies”, Nature Climate Change, vol. 9, p. 261-268, April 2019.
  17.  La Rovere, E.L.; Dubeux, C.B.S.; Wills, W.; Grottera, C. Walter, M.K.C.; Brasil Carbono Zero em 2060. Relatório do Fórum Brasileiro de Mudança do Clima (FBMC) para a Presidência da República, 39 p., Dezembro 2018.
  18. La Rovere, E.L.; Grottera, C.; Wills, W.; Overcoming the financial barrier to a low emission development strategy in Brazil, International Economics 155 (2018) 61-68, December 2017.
  19. La Rovere, E.L.; Gesteira, C.; Grottera, C.; Wills, W.; Pathways to a low carbon economy in Brazil. In: Liz-Rejane Issberner & Philippe Léna. (Orgs.). Brazil in the Anthropocene – Conflicts between predatory development and environmental policies. 1ed.New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2017, v. 1, p. 242-266.