Indonesia In-country Work

News and events

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Participation in the international convening ‘2050 is Now’: Aligning Climate Action with Long-Term Climate and Development Goals

As a member of the IKI-LTS Project consortium, the DDP initiative participated in the international convening ‘2050 is Now’: Aligning Climate Action with Long-Term Climate and Development Goals in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The AFOLU sector’s role in national decarbonization: a comparative analysis of low-GHG development pathways in Brazil, India and Indonesia

This paper analyses the role that AFOLU (agriculture, forest and other land use) plays in national deep decarbonization scenarios in Brazil, India and Indonesia between 2020 and 2050. It finds that the LULUCF (land use, land use change and forestry) subsector is important for medium-term mitigation (2020–2030) while continuing to contribute to mitigation over the long-term (2030–2050) in the three countries.

In-country work since

2013 (start of DDPP)

Key areas of work

  • Net Zero & long-term planning 
  • Clean power and energy systems
  • Land-use and food transformations
  • National systemic transformations
  • Just Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions 
  • Economics & investments
  • Development & climate interface
  • International climate collaborations
  • Governance & public policy

Key in-country partners

Ucok Siagian
Vice-chairman of CREP - ITB. Energy expert
Rizaldi Boer
Director of the Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and Pacific (CCROM-SEAP), Bogor Agricultural University
Retno Gumilang
Head of CREP-ITB. Energy expert
Lukytawati Anggraeni
Vice-dean of CCROM, Economist

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management, Bogor Agricultural University (CCROM)

More details …

Latest DDP Scenario


  • CPS
  • DDS

DDP Indonesia country factsheet

Imagine (currently being developed):

  • BAU 
  • LOW
  • LOW AGS by RGD

Contributions to policy processes:

DDP India has contributed to:

  • NDC: first NDC, NDC roadmap, Updated NDC, Enhanced NDC
  • LTS-LCCR & Roadmap
  • NZE 2060 Roadmap
  • MOEF: FOLU Net Sink by 2030 
  • MEMR: National Energy Policy
  • Social forestry: multi permit forestry policy/regulation

Gender: Climate Change and urbanization in Gujarat

Key projects

  • NDC Aspects

Key in-country collaborations

  • I-CLIMB 
  • GIZ Indonesia

Past and ongoing projects

  1. In-person workshop on the Acceleration of Decarbonization in the Indonesian Energy Sector (Sept 6-7th)
  2. Academic Focus Group Discussion (May 2022): Challenges of Indonesia Energy Sector LTS
  3. In-person event at COP26 (Nov 2021): Long-Term Strategies in emerging economies
  4. Country report (Nov 2021) : Policy lessons on deep decarbonization in large emerging economies: Indonesia
  5. Report (September 2021): Analysis of current ambition level in Indonesia
  6. Blogpost: “Indonesia joins leading countries with net-zero emission Long-Term Strategy” (June 2021)