Indonesia In-country Work

News and events

(more information coming soon …)

In-country work since

2013 (start of DDPP)

Key areas of work

  • Net Zero & long-term planning 
  • Clean power and energy systems
  • Land-use and food transformations
  • National systemic transformations
  • Just Transitions & socio-economic implications of the transitions 
  • Economics & investments
  • Development & climate interface
  • International climate collaborations
  • Governance & public policy

Key in-country partners

Ucok Siagian
Vice-chairman of CREP - ITB. Energy expert
Rizaldi Boer
Director of the Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and Pacific (CCROM-SEAP), Bogor Agricultural University
Retno Gumilang
Head of CREP-ITB. Energy expert
Lukytawati Anggraeni
Vice-dean of CCROM, Economist

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management, Bogor Agricultural University (CCROM)

More details …

Latest DDP Scenario


  • CPS
  • DDS

DDP Indonesia country factsheet

Imagine (currently being developed):

  • BAU 
  • LOW
  • LOW AGS by RGD

Contributions to policy processes:

DDP India has contributed to:

  • NDC: first NDC, NDC roadmap, Updated NDC, Enhanced NDC
  • LTS-LCCR & Roadmap
  • NZE 2060 Roadmap
  • MOEF: FOLU Net Sink by 2030 
  • MEMR: National Energy Policy
  • Social forestry: multi permit forestry policy/regulation

Gender: Climate Change and urbanization in Gujarat

Key projects

  • NDC Aspects

Key in-country collaborations

  • I-CLIMB 
  • GIZ Indonesia

Past and ongoing projects

  1. In-person workshop on the Acceleration of Decarbonization in the Indonesian Energy Sector (Sept 6-7th)
  2. Academic Focus Group Discussion (May 2022): Challenges of Indonesia Energy Sector LTS
  3. In-person event at COP26 (Nov 2021): Long-Term Strategies in emerging economies
  4. Country report (Nov 2021) : Policy lessons on deep decarbonization in large emerging economies: Indonesia
  5. Report (September 2021): Analysis of current ambition level in Indonesia
  6. Blogpost: “Indonesia joins leading countries with net-zero emission Long-Term Strategy” (June 2021)